July 22, 2024No Comments

What women want from the hospitality industry – Harnessing the Potential of Female Guests

Women are the driving force behind travel decisions, yet the hospitality industry often falls short in meeting their needs. This post explores the untapped potential of female consumers and provides practical strategies for businesses to stand out in a crowded market. Discover how to create novel, positive, and share-worthy experiences that resonate with women and boost your business.

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January 11, 2024No Comments

MEDIA GURU: Gynella prošla rebrandingem ve spolupráci se ženami

Česká značka Gynella představila novou tvář stvořenou ženami. Nová komunikace je postavena jako konverzace ženy se ženou.

„Do vizuálu a komunikace jsme vnesly intimitu, příjemné prostředí a důvěrnost, která je důležitá pro každou z nás, a tedy i pro zákaznice Gynelly,“ přiblížila Sabina Samuel, art direktorka studia Heels Make Deals, jež se na přípravě nové vizuální komunikace podílela. 

Přečtěte si více v článku:



January 11, 2024No Comments

MÉDIÁŘ: Heels Make Deals vytvořilo identitu americkému projektu Virtual Beauty

The startup tech software was in a need of branding to become attractive for medium to large beauty brands and the decision makers within those, mainly comprised of women. Those who understand not only the technology benefits the Virtual Beauty technology brings to their business but also the importance of branding itself. When creating the visual identity we kept that in mind.


October 17, 2023No Comments

Who really drives the world economy? Exploring Women’s Influence on Consumer Decisions

Women control or influence 85% of consumer spending.

Women are often buying on behalf of everyone in their households and beyond. Even in traditionally male sectors (finance, tech & electronics, hospitality etc.) women a dominant force in shopping.

Women are catalysts of change.

Just as women's influence has sparked transformations in the workplace—like the shift from maternity to parental leave and the rise of flexible job options for everyone—they're also shaping the consumer marketplace. A great example is the growing preference among younger generations to support companies making a positive social impact.

Women Control Wealth.

Women in the United States currently oversee around $11 trillion in assets,  a number that is expected to grow to $30 trillion by 2030.

92% of women actively share deals and online recommendations.

Once your brand makes an impact on women, they tend to be loyal and spread it far and beyond.

Women are taking on the role of primary earners for their families more than ever. 

Approximately 70% of mothers in the United States are likely to assume the role of primary financial providers before their children reach the age of 18.

Men and Women are not the same. DUH.

People widely acknowledge that men and women are distinct, with profound, unique, intriguing, and valuable differences (reasoning, behavior, priorities etc.) Despite the undeniable significance of the female audience, why do women continue to be overlooked in marketing?

Heels Make Deals: Creative studio focused on women

Our studio has extensive experience in women-centred design and branding, encompassing all brand touch-points, activations, and advertisement. Looking for personalized design assistance?

DM us today!


Forbes, Yankelovich Monitor & Greenfield Online
Bridget Brennan, Forbes
McKinsey & Company
Mindshare/Ogilvy & Mather
Jennifer Glass, R. Kelly Raley (UT, Austin), and Joanna Pepin (Univ. at Buffalo, SUNY), Council of Contemporary Families
